FIA - Forging Member Value Through Education


The Forging Industry Association (FIA) represents companies across the forging sector, supporting its members with resources, educational programs, and initiatives designed to strengthen the industry. FIA’s mission is to deliver educational content, training modules, and certifications to equip industry professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed.

Case Study MockUp  - FIA



FIA relied on an outdated e-learning system that became unusable when Flash support ended, leaving the organization unable to deliver crucial training and educational content effectively. This disruption significantly impacted FIA’s ability to engage members and provide consistent professional development opportunities, putting a strain on its mission to support industry growth and expertise.

Without a centralized, reliable LMS, members faced barriers to accessing courses, and FIA struggled to maintain an efficient process for delivering and tracking learning.



FIA adopted TopClass to create a centralized, user-friendly platform for educational resources and training, seamlessly integrating with their website and member databases. This unified system simplified management and enabled FIA to expand its offerings and improve access.



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An award-winning, powerful learning platform, connecting learners to transformative education and certification programs